Congratulations to the Winners of Best Paper Awards!
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Best Paper Awards were Chosen! Congratulations to Authors!
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29th Annual MFS Conference - A preliminary version of the conference program is now available online
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Conference Registration

Registration fee by May 20, 2020 will be 245 Euros. Thereafter, the registration fee will be 275 Euros. A discount of 50 Euros applies to doctoral students.

If you have already registered for the postponed conference, the following options will be available:

a)    Attend the VIRTUAL conference and / or submit an article to the Multinational Finance Journal and use the remainder of the conference fee paid towards next year’s conference in Gdansk.

b)    Do not attend the VIRTUAL conference and use the full amount of the conference fee paid towards next year’s conference in Gdansk.

Please let us know of your choice via e-mail to

Unfortunately, we cannot provide refunds because a large proportion of the registration fees received was expensed toward the preparation of the postponed conference.

If none of the authors listed on the paper is considering attending the conference, please send a withdrawal note to

Thank you very much for your interest in the conference. We hope to meet you virtually at the conference. 

To register for the conference, please follow the steps below:

A) Authors of Accepted Manuscripts

1. Login to your account (if you do not have an account, please create one)
2. Click "My Account"
3. Choose "Conferences"
4. Choose "Manuscript Author(s)" that is under the conference heading (accepted papers, only)
5. Click "Proceed with Registration" (located below the paper status)
6. Check and confirm the correctness of manuscript information
7. Choose the currency and proceed with the payment
8. Click "Pay Now" (payments can be in Euro or US dollars)

B) Other participants
1. Login to your account (if you do not have an account, please create one)
2. Click "My Account"
3. Choose "Conferences"
4. Choose "Other Participants" that is under the conference heading
5. Choose the currency and proceed with the payment
6. Click "Pay Now" (payments can be in Euro or US dollars)



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