Congratulations to the Winners of Best Paper Awards!
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Best Paper Awards were Chosen! Congratulations to Authors!
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29th Annual MFS Conference - A preliminary version of the conference program is now available online
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Multinational Finance Society


The Multinational Finance Society is a non-profit organization established on June 15, 1995 for the advancement and dissemination of financial knowledge, philosophies, techniques and research findings pertaining to industrialized and developing countries among members of the academic and business communities.

The Society‘s mission and program are multinational and designed around the key functional areas of finance. A shelter of professional nature is, thus, provided to academics and practitioners with interests in financial management, theory and application. It serves as a central point of meeting, communication and interaction for its American, Asian, Australian, European and other international members.

As a means of accomplishing its mission, the Society publishes the Multinational Finance Journal (MFJ) and organizes conferences and special symposia in different international locations.


Multinational Finance Journal

The MFJ is a leading multinational journal of financial character, published quarterly since 1997. It provides a collection of high quality refereed articles, written by scientists of recognized competence. The MFJ publishes articles on capital markets, financial institutions, management of investments, and corporate finance, dealing with issues that are relevant to the study and practice of finance in a global context.

The MFJ makes a unique contribution by publishing research investigating phenomena related to the integration and interaction of national financial systems at the micro- and macro-finance levels and by disseminating research originating from countries with financial markets in different stages of development and diverse institutional arrangements.

For more information (Click Here)

Multinational Finance Conferences

The Society acknowledges the importance of giving academic researchers, educators and practitioners the forum to share, discuss and debate timely financial issues, theories, ideas and findings pertaining to industrialized and developing countries. The annual conferences and special symposia, organized by the Society in various international locations, provide such a forum.

For more information (Click Here)



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