Volume 9, Numbers 3 & 4 / September/December , Pages 131-269
The Hedging Effectiveness of U.K. Stock Index Futures Contracts Using an Extended Mean Gini Approach: Evidence for the FTSE 100 and FTSE Mid250 Contracts
Multinational Finance Journal, 2005, vol. 9, no. 3/4, pp. 131-160
Darren Butterworth , Charles River Associates, London, U.K.    Corresponding Author
Phil Holmes , University of Durham, Durham, U.K.

This paper provides the first investigation of the hedging effectiveness of the FTSE 100 and FTSE Mid 250 stock index futures contracts using hedge ratios generated within an extended mean Gini framework. This framework provides a robust alternative to the standard minimum variance approach, by distinguishing between different classes of risk aversion and producing hedge ratios that are consistent with the rules of stochastic dominance. The results show that the appropriate hedge ratio varies considerably with the investor’s degree of risk aversion and that the EMG approach is capable of being utilized by all classes of risk averse investors, in contrast to the standard minimum variance approach. In addition, the results show strong evidence of a duration effect and support the use of the extended mean Gini approach when cross hedges are involved

Keywords : hedging; futures; mean-gini; risk aversion
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